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Safeguarding the welfare of our young players is paramount.


As coaches and volunteers we have a moral and possibly a legal responsibility to provide the highest possible standard or care when we welcome young people into the game of rugby union.


To discuss any Safeguarding matters please contact one of our Safeguarding team.


All Buckinghamshire clubs who have mini and / or youth sections must have a Safeguarding Policy and must appoint a Safeguarding Officer, whose contact details must be kept up to date on the RFU Game Management System.


It is important that all players under 18 years of age are protected and kept safe from physical, sexual or emotional harm while they are with the club’s coaches, helpers and other volunteers.



There may be an increased risk within many sports, including rugby union, for abuse to occur which does not necessarily fit into these categories. The unique culture and traditions of rugby, along with so-called stereotypical behaviour, whilst common to many team sports, may give rise to unacceptable behaviour leading to situations where abuse may occur or coaches and/or young players are at increased risk.


Whilst there are many ways in which the welfare of young players can be safeguarded, further guidance can be sought from the RFU website here.


You are advised to become familiar with the ways in which you and your club can:

  • Understand what child abuse means

  • Ensure good practice in the coaching of young players

  • Provide a safe environment for young people

  • Recognise abuse and provide a structure to deal sympathetically with concern


Safeguarding Courses


Buckinghamshire RFU is committed to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and so we encourage everyone who is involved in children / vulnerable adults playing rugby to attend the following RFU Courses:


Introduction to Safeguarding 


This free 30-minute eLearning course is for anyone working or volunteering with children in rugby union to ensure a basic understanding of safeguarding. The completion of the Introduction to Safeguarding is compulsory prior to all DBS applications and prior to participation in England Rugby Coaching or Refereeing Award Courses.   


The course ensures that everyone has a grasp of the basics in relation to safeguarding, including being able to recognise potentially abusive situations and understand how to report concerns.  â€‹


This awareness course can be booked via the GMS course booking page. Please select virtual courses in the course selector. 


Play It Safe


This three-hour safeguarding course is for any volunteer, coach or match official who is working with or who has responsibility for children within rugby. Club Safeguarding Officers can request to run this course in your rugby club by using the Play it Safe Tutor map. Simply find your nearest tutor, make contact and agree a suitable date and time. Please note that we ask for a 6-week lead-in time, between the point of course request and the course start date. The cost of the course is £10 per delegate, each receiving accreditation.  


Once the course date has been agreed, a link will be shared so that delegates can book directly via GMS. â€‹


In Touch 


This is a mandatory course for all Club Safeguarding Officers. It is a two and a half hour workshop that is delivered remotely (via Teams) by the RFU Safeguarding Team. 


The course will guide you through topics such as Safer Cultures, Safer Recruitment and how to report concerns.    


You will have an opportunity to ask questions of the RFU Safeguarding Team and learn from Club Safeguarding Officers around the country.  


Safeguarding Toolkit


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