Confidential Report Line
We want everyone that is involved with Rugby to enjoy every moment and make memories.
No-one should have to put up with any negativity within the Rugby landscape.
At Bucks RFU, we have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to;
· Bullying
· Racism
· Harassment
· Homophobic behaviour
· Sexism
· Safeguarding/welfare issues
If you experience or see any of the above happening within Rugby in Buckinghamshire, we want you to be able to report it in a confidential manner and feel assured that it will be investigated and dealt with in the most appropriate manner.
We will seek to ensure that all complaints are:
· listened to and investigated where appropriate
· dealt with in a consistent manner
· acknowledged (when agreed) and recorded
· Offer support were needed/requested
· learned from and used to Improve our rugby environment for everybody
By calling 0800 211 8129
This is a voicemail system, where you can leave us a message detailing your concerns.
You can either leave your contact details as part of your message (Email/Contact number), or you can remain anonymous should you so wish. The choice is yours.